Currently Reading

This is what I'm currently reading and my opinion of it. If you don't like what I think, read the book and judge for yourself.

March 25, 2005

The Last Legion

by Valerio Massimo Manfredi

This seems to be a story about 3 Roman legionaries that survive a massive battle where the whole legion is wiped out, bar them. The three are comprised of two Romans and an Ethiopian legionarie.

I've only just started on the first chapter, which starts well with a battle between the Romans and a group of barbarian pagans. Should be a good book, I'm looking forward to getting into it.

I have a feeling this is the book that the movie Gladiator was adapted from. If anyone knows for sure, let me know. I'll update more when I finish the book.

---- UPDATE ----

What a fucking excellent book!!!!

This book is like Gladiator only 10 times better. There were 3 Roman legionaries, a boy emperor, a druid, an Italian she-warrior and many other classic characters.

The adventure spans across Europe from Rome to Britannia. They are trying to protect the life of the boy emperor from the barbarian hordes and they are chased through Germany, Paris & across the channel to Britain.

There's plenty of battles with all the details that you would expect, also the love interests and all the treachery that comes with those times. I can just picture the barbarian Wulfila with the fresh scar across his face from a sword wound, the matted hair and his beard.

You need to read this book. I have found another similar historical story by the same author and I intend to read that one next.